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Collection: Webcams

If you regularly participate in online meetings where you need to have a live video stream, purchasing a webcam is necessary. However, with so many webcams available online and in stores, it can be difficult to choose which to purchase.

This buying guide will teach you about some of the features you should look for when purchasing a new webcam.

Features To Look For


One of the most important features to consider when looking at webcams is the resolution the camera offers. The resolution tells you how clear of a video the camera is able to record.

The three main resolutions available on the market are 720 p, 1080 p, and 4K. 

To learn more about the different resolutions and how each can be used, read the full-length webcam buying guide here.


Autofocus is an important feature to look for if you a regularly moving around while recording and need to maintain a crystal-clear video. This feature allows the camera to track your face and automatically refocus depending on how far away or close to the camera you are.

Field of View

The field of view of your webcam will be important depending on what you are planning on recording with it. 

A 60-degree field of view will be ideal if you are just recording yourself, while a 90-degree field of view is best for recording groups of people or presentations.

Mounting Options

You’ll want to select your webcam’s mounting option depending on how you are planning on using it.

A webcam that is mounted directly to the computer is best if you only plan on recording yourself and not moving around much. 

If you need a camera that can move with you and capture different angles, picking a webcam that comes with a tripod is the best choice.

How To Pick The Best Webcam