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If you own a business and want to make sure all your employees can communicate with one another and you, you need to make sure you’re using an IP phone. Some companies already use IP phones but they do not harness the full power of all the features that are available.


It can be easy to overlook some of the best features if you are new to using IP phones. Of course, they have all the basic phone features like instant messaging, the ability to make a corporate phone book, and extension dialing.


However, the ones we sell on our site have even more features to make communicating within your business and with customers extremely easy.

Features You Need to Have and Tips for Buying


It’s important to know the best features for your IP phone so that you are utilizing all the best ones. Here are some of the best features as well as a few tips to follow for buying IP phones.

Least Call Routing

This is a great feature that also cut costs. It will automatically find the best ways to route calls which especially comes in handy for long-distance and international calls.

Fixed Mobile Convergence

This is most important when you have a business that relies on a prompt response. This allows your employees to be able to access all functions like call transfer, brokering, and conference. The phone basically acts like a messenger so that someone can always be reached.

Ring Group

This is a feature that will call everyone in a particular group at the same time. The first person to pick up the call will be the one in charge to answer the questions.

IP Phones Buyer’s Guide