Western Digital OpenFlex Data24-24 Drive Enclosure PCI Express NVMe - 2U Rack-mountable - 24 x SSD Supported - 24 x Total Bay - 100 Gbit/s Data Transfer Rate - 100 Gigabit Ethernet
The OpenFlex™ Data24 is a 2U rack mounted data storage enclosure built on the OpenFlex platform. OpenFlex is Western Digital's architecture that supports Open Composable Infrastructure (OCI). The OpenFlex™ Data24 is a Just-aBunch-Of-Flash (JBOF) platform that leverages this OCI approach in the form of disagreggated data storage using NVMe-over-Fabrics (NVMe-oF™). NVMe-oF is a networked storage protocol that allows storage to be disaggregated from compute to make that storage widely available to multiple applications and hosts. By enabling applications to share a common pool of storage capacity, data can be easily shared between applications, or needed capacity can be allocated to an application regardless of location. Utilizing NVMe™ devicelevel performance, NVMe-oF promises to deliver the lowest end-to-end latency from application to shared storage. NVMeoF enables composable infrastructures to deliver the data locality benefits of NVMe (low latency, high performance) while providin