Power Distribution Units (PDUs)


A power distribution unit or PDU is useful for all your computers. Especially when you have multiple computers that will hold on to a lot of data. You want something that will distribute all the power it can.


This guide will show you what you’ll need to look for in PDUs. To define what they are, it’s a large power strip. Yet, there are different types of PDUs that exist (and we’ll discuss what they are shortly).


If you are in search of a PDU for your computer network, you’ll want to take a closer look at the list of considerations below. Let’s get started.


Types of PDUs


As mentioned, there are different types of PDUs to be aware of. You’ll have a choice between basic, metered, monitored, and switched PDUs. It’s important to choose one based on your needs and preferences.


Your basic rPDUs will be useful if you need power delivered to your most critical equipment. They are cost effective, entry level, and will also provide you with enough power for your server rooms and other IT equipment.


Metered rPDUs will be great for those looking to monitor power use in real time. You’ll be able to keep an eye on the metrics such as voltage, the current, and other relevant information. This will be great for those who are maintaining data centers that require high levels of security.


Monitored rPDUs are a step above their monitored counterparts. This can be accessed remotely by anyone responsible for monitoring data centers. They don’t have to be physically inside the facility if some adjustments are needed.


Finally, Switched rPDUs will be your best option if you want the smartest capabilities. These are a highly upgraded version of the monitored rPDUs. Their major difference is that you have control over every individual outlet.


You’ll be able to control everything from a remote location. You can even limit the power usage so you don’t run into any unintentionally overloads.


Number of outlets


It may be a smart idea to consider the number of outlets you need. It will also come down to the kind of design. Horizontal rPDUs will have anywhere from eight to 16 outlets.


Compare that to your vertical mounted PDUs, which can have as many as 54 outlets. You will need to assess how much equipment you are using (including the ones you're using beyond your servers). You may be building your data center over time, which means the need for more outlets is possible.


For now, take into account how much equipment you currently have. Then, you can choose the rPDU that is best for you based on the number of available outlets.

Rack space


The amount of rack space you have will determine the kind of PDU you’ll need. Rack PDUs come in vertical and horizontal designs. So it would make sense to choose the right one based on your space needs.


For example, if you want to save space, then a vertical rPDU will get the job done. These will be easy to mount on your rack’s upright rails. If you don’t care about space much, horizontal rPDUs will be the best answer.


Remember, you may need a number of outlets for all your equipment. For that reason, you may have no choice but to choose one or the other. Because you may feel that a lot of outlets compared to your current equipment may seem like overkill.

What are your power requirements?


Take a moment and look at your most critical IT equipment. How much power does it need in order to operate? How many kilowatts does it need?


It’s important that you find an rPDU that will meet those requirements. You’ll need these critical pieces of equipment to be powered at all times. There may be a handful of entry level rPDUs that will do just that.


This will be a sigh of relief if money is an issue for the moment. You’ll also want to focus on your growth goals for your data center. This will help you decide on an outlet that will work to your advantage when the time comes to add new equipment.


It would also make sense to purchase an outlet that gives you room to grow. You don’t want to purchase an rPDU and then turn around and purchase another one later on when you realize growth is imminent.




The price may be something you’ll be concerned with. Especially if you are on a budget. Performance is what should matter most and the price should match that.


The better performing an rPDU is, the more expensive it will be. Your entry level rPDUs will be the cheapest option, but will be enough to power your most critical pieces of equipment. Otherwise, you’ll want to find the best affordable option for an rPDU that you’re looking for to satisfy your data center needs.


You don’t want to spend less money only to find out an rPDU doesn’t power everything in your data system. If you have to, bump up your price range slightly. Once again, do an assessment of your most critical IT equipment that needs power.


From there, consider your growth plans for the short and long-term. You may have additional equipment that needs enough power to function properly. So consider an outlet where you have enough power for everything you have now.


Even if there are additional outlets available, it should be enough for any growth you plan on implementing in the future.

Final Thoughts


If you are looking for a power distribution unit for your data center, it’s important to consider a few factors. It all comes down to what you have for IT equipment and how much power is needed in order for it to operate. Yes, you may need to consider options such as the type of rPDU you need to monitor the power usage and being able to control it on-site or remotely.


Regardless, you’ll be able to find an rPDU that fits your data center needs best. This guide will be a huge help thanks to some of the factors you’ll need to consider.  

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